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1 Litre 2023/24 Season
Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is:
- Organic: We do not use any chemicals on our land at all – nothing, nada, niente – zilch.
- Single Estate: The olives that we use to make our oil come from one place – our place! Single Estate means just that – the oil we sell is from our our trees on our land, that we love and care for.
- Cold Pressed: Some oil is pressed after heating up the olives – but that’s not traditional and highly unatural. Our oil is cold pressed – the oil comes out only if it wants to, in a 100% natural way.
- Unfiltered: Our oil is unfiltered for a truly authentic experience in taste, colour and texture.
- Ultra Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Technically, to be classed as Extra Virgin, you’re oil must have an acidity level of .8 % or lower. Our oil this season was tested and came in at .2 % acidity – yep, it’s ultra virgin!
Out of stock
Post & Packing is £7 per 1 litre Tin/Bottle
Please note, 1 Litre is only available in bottles at the mo!